Hey hey and namaste. Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to read our newsletter and this article. I am truly blessed by Grace to be able to write for such a beautiful group of people.


With so many paths out there, how can we possibly find the right one? While this seems like a complicated endeavor, I assure you it’s truly simple. We are all human beings. We all have fingers; yet, we each have a unique fingerprint that is only ours. Though all fingers may appear the same, the fingerprint we have at birth only comes with our own body. Similarly, our spiritual path is our fingerprint on the body of our spiritual being. It is truly unique to us, the individual. It’s “our” way.


For some, it may be bhakti – the path of devotion and praise. For others, it may be jnana – the method of self-inquiry. Some may find raj, the path of knowledge, as their own fingerprint. The beauty of fingerprints is that we cannot tell another their fingerprint doesn’t belong to them. The same holds true for this fingerprint of spirituality that we have. Though we are all spiritual beings, our unique fingerprint is our mark, our way, our specific path to our own salvation. Isn’t that wonderful? God so deeply loves all of us, that He embedded our individual path to find Him. Such glorious love He shows!


Follow your fingerprint. Follow the beat of your own heart. Embrace this loving kindness and compassion for all beings. Stay true to yourself. Devote your life to the path laid out before you, however it looks. All paths, all paths, involve the pillars of spirituality: loving, remembering, and serving.


Here at Baba’s Feed Project, we do not only feed the spiritual mind, but we also assist those in their physical hunger. We aid their bodies by sheltering them from the elements with our clothing kits. We feed their intellect by offering education kits. And, we fill their hearts by showing them they are not alone. Indeed, they are very loved.


Follow your heart and serve others. You will end up exactly where you are supposed to be. You are loved. You are needed. You are amazing.


Jai Gurudev
Jai Sri Sitaram