Jai Gurudev,
As we approach Neem Karoli’s Mahasamadhi anniversary, my heart is overflowing with love and happiness for all that He has brought into our collective lives. Moments of peace, tranquility, joy, contentment, and understanding have appeared in this birth for us, because of Him. How wonderful is that? Someone whom most of us have never met is still here with us- still here now. That’s quite comforting.
The Guru is simply an external reflection of what we long for, internally. His body, the form, is simply there to house His Big Love for us, all. It’s the lota holding the amrita.
In America, there is often talk of this “fountain of youth”: a fountain which we can drink from, and never die- never perish. For those of us who have come to know Neem Karoli, this is our fountain: a being from north India, wrapped in a wool blanket, smiling and telling people to “jao”. This is our eternal youthfulness. Though our bodies may perish, our souls do not. All of our souls reading this, whether or not you feel you grasp it, have been interwoven with this beautiful Being we call Maharajji. For me, that brings about much peace and contentment.
This celebration, Mahasamadhi, isn’t a celebration of death- but a liberation from the shackles of the jiva, the body. Maharajji has not gone anywhere. He is still very much here: watching, and laughing. Sometimes laughing with us. Sometimes laughing at us. But lovingly laughing all the while. This celebration is an affirmation that when the Holy name of Sri Ram is chanted, Hanuman will appear. And, as we see in our lives, He continues to appear.
Jai Jai Jai Gurudev
Jai Jai Jai Sri Sitaram.